Is it? Here's what I think...
Okay, here's the Founder:
This is the founder when it was being sold AFTER the beta days. Yes, AFTER. Wow, mind-blowing, it's not beta. I believe it was sold around when AJ was released, or maybe a few months later (Exact date of release: September 16th, 2010.) Founder's Hats are worth A LOT more than top hats, and may cover the Jammer's eyes when worn. If you wear while you are a penguin, you'll get the "Sinking-hat-Glitch" that EVERYONE knows (I hope). If you don't, look below.
Rumor has it that Founders are in the Forgotten Desert adventure, or dubbed, the "Eagle" adventure. Do I believe it? Well, I don't really have an opinion on the subject, but a rapid increase in people having founders has me wondering...
What do you think? Comment Below!!