Sunday, September 7, 2014


I notice, more and more, how EVERYONE is obsessed with rares and betas. The rarity of items keep changing, the "betaness" of items keep changing, and there are so many rumors about how the Founder's Hat is in the adventures.

Is it? Here's what I think...

Okay, here's the Founder:

This is the founder when it was being sold AFTER the beta days. Yes, AFTER. Wow, mind-blowing, it's not beta. I believe it was sold around when AJ was released, or maybe a few months later (Exact date of release: September 16th, 2010.) Founder's Hats are worth A LOT more than top hats, and may cover the Jammer's eyes when worn. If you wear while you are a penguin, you'll get the "Sinking-hat-Glitch" that EVERYONE knows (I hope). If you don't, look below.

Rumor has it that Founders are in the Forgotten Desert adventure, or dubbed, the "Eagle" adventure. Do I believe it? Well, I don't really have an opinion on the subject, but a rapid increase in people having founders has me wondering...

What do you think? Comment Below!!