Thursday, November 28, 2013

NM Gloves

~NM Gloves~

Hi everyone! Today, I'll show you all about NM gloves. The only rare version of these gloves is the Freedom glove (Picture below). However, the colors come in rarities.


These are a few of the gloves. The other colors are blue, green and cream. I suppose that the rarest is white (not silver), then black,  then purple and cream, green, and finally blue.

Gloves can be found in the Arctic wolf passage (Return of the Phantoms in adventures). You can also get them as a prize in the Phantom Portal.

Gloves came out  long time ago, so today, they are considered beta. People either don't like or love these betas, like worns. So, if you are trying to trade you're glove for someone's ____, ask them first if they want the glove. Fair trades for a glove are a bow if added or a fox hat, and maybe two or one (depends) good den betas. 

The freedom glove came out as a rare Monday earlier in the year, and you can earn them in adventures as well. Freedom gloves are not as rare as gloves. Gloves came out a long time before the freedom glove. The older the beta, the rarer. If any of you want gloves, I have four! Just be sure to trade me fair!