Like always, there are 8 colors of worns (not including the rare worn): light blue, red, plum, purple, black, cream, pink, and green.
Here you go! The rare is another version, so it doesn't count in the colors.
Okay, let me talk about the rarities. The worn actually came out before the rare worn, so the rare worn is less valuable. It comes in only one color: a bright purple. Not many Jammers like this color, so it is only really to show off and think its cooler than the normal ones. Mhhmmm, nope.
Worns are worth maybe a rare bow (color depending) and sometimes more (black worn). The black worn is the rarest of all.
You can earn worns in adventures. My friends have earned them as the Arctic Wolf Cave prize AND the end prize.
Wow! Look, its a worn!!!
Worns were sold during beta days, I believe, or at least a few years ago. I'm not sure about which is rarer than the other, but the black one is definitely rarest.
Bibi pple! Merry Jamaalidays, and this is Silverbreeze65152 signing out!