Animal Jam has many BETA items (well, sorta beta in the summer) out! Many Jammers are outraged at the fact that these came out because so many of them had traded a bunch of their good things for it!!! I caught one Jammer saying that they had traded a rare lion plushie for a Jamaaliday Bow, but they weren't unhappy with AJHQ. If I had been in his shoes, I would've been unhappy.
Animal Jam beta SCARFS have come out for the winter! (BTW this is old) I guess this means that scarfs are NOT beta, however they just seem beta after a few months. My advice: wait it out. Here's your picture! It includes the earmuffs, scarf, and bow!
They're selling! Get them while you can!
Now, these I am not too sure about. Of course, I know that like the scarf and the bow, they were considered beta. I do not know what they were worth, but I'm guessing that they were worth a lot.
These I know are worth LOTS because I had a dragon glove, red sword, lava glove, and a spirit glove on trade and many people said it was worth a Jamaaliday bow. Collect many of these and wait it out...
Well, that's it for today! By peeps, this is xZSilverbreezeZx signing out!!!