Hiya Jammers!!!
Jamaa is now in outrage!!! Nonmember BOWS AND ARROWS have come out as a gift! However, contrary to my prediction, the aqua bows did NOT come out. I haven't seen anyone with the mysterious bow and arrow yet.
Have you seen the aqua bow yet around Jamaa? If you have, please alert me!!! Comment below :)
Nonmember bows aren't worth much of anything anymore. My advice is to wait it out for a couple of months, (Oh and, today, log into a bunch of accounts you have.) then trade 4 of those bows (supposing you have a lot) for a rare bow. Or, you could trade 2 bows. Depending on what the person you're trading wants.
Enjoy and Comment! x3
This is Silverbreeze65152 signing out ;)