Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Just an Update...

Hi Jammers! 

Just telling you people about the new party: The 2014 NEW YEAR party. It's epic, as well, I think, because all of the betas came out! 

So I was in the Adventure Base Camp (let's call its ABC for now... Lol) and I saw this girl saying that she only had betas on her list. She had a curly black wig and other stuff. I pointed out to her that the wig was selling, and she looked...well, I would say outraged. Here's how it went.


Me: uh u no dose wigs r sellin rite...
Jammer: WAT!?!?
Me: ya... Dur
Jammer: NUUU I TRADED A RARE SPIKE AND ADDED FOR IT (oh, I believe it was a spiked wrist) 
Me: O.o
Jammer: NOOOOOO (-continues wailing-)
Me: .-. -walks calmly away-

This wasn't completely accurate, just based on my memories.

Lots of betas are now selling at the party. The 2014 banner will be soon, so check it out! I believe all the betas will be going away after the party until next year or maybe the one after. Or, some individuals might come out again. 

That's it 4 now! Bibi pplz